Traps All Business Analysts Fall Into At Least Once

We have all done this. We become a business where we find the job quite simple and we have a good deal of great ‘buddies’ in the workplace. This scenario is extremely common and it happens to many people. You might ask – what is wrong with this situation? This sort of situation is you not stepping outside of your ‘comfort zone’. Things we tend to tell ourselves when we make this error include things like This a is fantastic occupation, This is a fantastic company to work for because or we say something such as the marketplace out there’s too silent to move between jobs at the moment.

There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable in a project but just do not expect your career to go anywhere quickly. However in case you do want to advance your career to the next level or beyond, you want to understand when you step into this ‘comfy’ zone where nothing or not many things challenge you on your day-to day job. The only way we develop (ourselves or our professions ) is when we expand our comfort zones by doing things that feels uncomfortable regularly. If you feel uncomfortable all the time, then you will know that you are growing yourself and your livelihood and soon that uneasy feeling will feel comfortable again by then you heard something new and it is time to challenge yourself .

You do Everything and anything on the job

This is something most People as cbap training Business Analysts have done at some stage of our careers. We have a tendency to do anything that a Project Manager asks us to perform because of various different reasons. Sometimes we just need to ‘please’ the Project Manager rather than make crime. Sometimes we almost treat it as a means to prove we are capable and can do anything that anyone yells at us. In a few other cases, more frequently than not, this error is made because it is the Business Analyst that does not really have a clear perspective of what a Business Analyst should and should not do within their functions. Again, you may ask what is wrong with doing whatever comes your way on a job. Do not get me wrong, it is great to help out from time to time using a job that falls out of your job, but quite often the project team begins to expect you to do anything and everything that comes your way. They do not recognize what you do would be a favor to the job. Doing non-business analysis jobs too frequently on a job dilutes your job and soon you will be seen as a general helper as opposed to a professional BA.

You Operate with no career plan

However, this mistake Is made by countless individuals who wind up completing their careers in the ‘slow lane’. They never implemented a strategy of where they were moving with their professions and this resulted in the majority of them not achieving anything remarkable during this span.

As a Business Analyst Who wants to be prosperous, you need to create a career vision with goals and action plans. This will give you a road map to follow and keep you on track to Achieving success in your enterprise Analysis career. Take action today, and define Your career objectives!
